MEET your instructor

Hey, I'm Cameron!

Cameron's drumming career is a blend of high-energy performances, educational contributions, and viral fame.

He's not just any drummer; he's a dynamic force who has laid down the beats for icons like Stevie T, PelleK, and Cole Rolland, as well as lending his skills to the likes of Glenn Fricker of Spectre Media Group, Terrorhorse, Baptized In Blood, and Betraying The Martyrs.

His talent behind the kit has not only put him on the stage with these artists but also in the recording studio, adding his signature sound to their music.

But Cameron's impact stretches beyond live gigs and studio sessions. His drumming prowess caught the attention of drumming legends Mike Portnoy, Greyson Nekrutman, Chris Adler, Mario Duplantier and even landed his videos in the spotlight of major publications such as Loudwire, Billboard Magazine, Metal Hammer, and Metal Injection. These features celebrated his creative and powerful drum covers, which have amassed millions of views on YouTube.

As an educator, Cameron shared his expertise through Sick Drummer Magazine, where he led a lesson vlog series dedicated to metal drummers seeking to refine their craft.

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